Politics & Government

Friday, March 13, 2009

Is abortion unconscionable for an American woman?

The only reason a person cant afford to take care of a baby in this country is laziness. If youre an African woman who has been raped and beaten and become an outcast then I can understand their reason for aborting to save their child from starvation but that doesnt have to happen here in America.

Of course not.

You don%26#039;t at all understand why females get abortions. Educate yourself first. Maybe you%26#039;ll get a clue.

Do you REALLY think that money is the ONLY thing it takes to have and raise a child?

Laziness is the only reason??

I went to high school, and I can%26#039;t tell you how many of the girls I went to high school with lived with the fear of if they ever got pregnant, they would be kicked out of their homes and basically disowned by their families. At the age of 15, that is a pretty scary concept in itself. I couldn%26#039;t imagine having to be 15, can%26#039;t get a job, have no means of supporting a baby, no way to pay any bills, can%26#039;t find a place to live, and then try to raise a child when I would be a child myself??

And all you have to do is look at the news to see how many children are murdered, neglected and beaten by their parents that didn%26#039;t want them in the first place, but were %26quot;stuck%26quot; with them (in their minds). Children deserve to be loved, and if someone can%26#039;t give a child that love, I would rather them have an abortion than abuse and then murder the child later on - like age 3 when they are in the %26quot;naughty%26quot; stage, and it isn%26#039;t their fault that their parent(s) are angry with them.

Children are murdered daily FOR NO REASON. Where is your outrage and compassion for them? Oh, but it is okay for them to be murdered, right? After all, their parents chose life, didn%26#039;t they?

When all of the children in this nation are in loving homes with families that can support them and give them what they need, and there are no homeless, starving, diseased children being beaten because they %26quot;are%26quot;, then there will be no need for abortion. I will then be against it. But until you can provide that world, there will be the need. Sorry if this goes against your views and beliefs, but I would rather a baby be aborted than a toddler be beaten to death for no reason.

I don%26#039;t think so, the only reason should be medical, for the mother life or the baby life, this is because of the failing family life, Rape is a very terrible crime. I would like to see these people go to prison, for along time, but life is still a gift. To cluster of cell to single cell organism on mars, this is all life, weather you think so or not! There are many of medical reason not to have an abortion, but i only need one! pro-life

The consensus amonst Christians is that the soul of an aborted fetus goes straight on up to Heaven and into the loving arms of our Lord for all of eternity.

Why is that bad?

Every soul that is born into life is subjected to possible corruption by Satan which means an eternal life spent in hell...most Christians also agree that getting to Heaven is a tough thing to do and that most souls born into life do wind up being corrrupted by Satan.

Satan is certainly AGAINST abortion because he does NOT get ANY chance to corrupt the aborted soul...

God does work in mysterious ways and God does have the power to stop any and all abortions....yet he does little. Hmmm, could be that the Will of God is to allow abortions so that those souls will GO DIRECTLY TO HEAVEN and bypass possible corruption entirely.

So....whose side are you on again? And if you are anti-abortion...how does it feel to share something in common with Satan?

Why, in your opinion, is it only understandable for an African American woman? Are they the only ones who have this happen to them, in your mind? There are plenty of reasons why some should not have a child. Do you not live in the real world? Ever heard of spousal abuse and child abuse by the %26quot;man%26quot; of the house? Why would a woman want to bring a child into that kind of environment? What if she%26#039;s young and already lives in poverty even though she works full time? I could go on and on. You, my friend seem out of touch with reality.

I feel bad for the children of the octuplet mom. And by the way, why is it that women think that the baby is %26quot;their body%26quot;? It%26#039;s just as much of their body as it is the male%26#039;s. They%26#039;re just carrying it. I don%26#039;t agree with the it%26#039;s my body and I%26#039;ll do what i want with it philosophy. However, i personally don%26#039;t consider a 2 month fetus to be a human. But that%26#039;s my opinion.

i can%26#039;t imagine how difficult it would be to raise a child as a single high school educated teen mom....that is unless you have wealthy parents.

average real income in the US hasn%26#039;t gone up in the last 8 years....meanwhile costs have risen dramatically.

Whatever happens I believe the baby ought to live since it wasn%26#039;t his fault and in 50% of the cases it was partly the mother%26#039;s fault who didn%26#039;t think it twice before screwing someone

My friend was raped and her child is the sweetest little angel. People who use the rape excuse are still committing murder and two wrongs don%26#039;t make a right.

Yes, I agree, all rape victims impregnated by their attackers are rich!!!

Do you even think before you post such crap?

It is unconscionable for some, perfectly acceptable for others.

You have no idea what you%26#039;re talking about. Judge not lest you be judged. Our government needs to stay out of women%26#039;s bodies.

... or they lost their job and can%26#039;t find another one that will pay enough to support her and her child.


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